Had a wee paddle, very sunny,managed to get an hr and a half before the rain. Some nice wakes to pop over and a seal followed me for a bit. Ater the spit at Rhu there was quite a wee race, 2-3knots pushing through.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Sea Kayaking - Seals and Spits
Had a wee paddle, very sunny,managed to get an hr and a half before the rain. Some nice wakes to pop over and a seal followed me for a bit. Ater the spit at Rhu there was quite a wee race, 2-3knots pushing through.
Sunday, 14 September 2008
New Toy - CAG Europe MIWOK
The launch Beach

Blackness Castle - Blackness West Lothian. Looking back at the launch beach.
Blackness Castle - cared for by SNH for the nation, Mel Gibson filmed Hamlet here in the 80s.
A small rockgarden that you can play in and use wee eddy lines at higher tides.
Returned at high tide, quite high spring one. Pretty disgusting water quality. And the stuff in the beach was untypeable.

Friday, 12 September 2008
The Dark Side.............

Monday, 8 September 2008
Superlight and compact Gas Burner
The main burner unit srews onto the support arms and into the std cannisters. The bottom part is the folded up supprt arms.
The arms slide out and lock into the heat resistant plastic. A quick and easy fit.
In use it is a ferocious wee burner and boiled a pint of water very quickly. Reasuringly noisy.
As with all gasburners it needs a windshieled so I'm designing one just now with a snap on heatshield for a pan too, hopefully working like a heat exchanger.
Camping in Oban
Brogan enjoying the sunset.
250miles...3 lochs and 5 sea lochs...still no paddling
Sunday, 7 September 2008
The Crannog Loch Tay