Well we bailed out of the Dochart as it was registering 1 foot so we ended up at Old Faithful - Loch lomond.Haar all the way till Buchlyvie then warm humid sunny weather all day. No space at Aldochlay for my bowman so I blasted off downwind to Luss. Totally diff. from the 'Disco' I'm using with grps thursday nights. My boat has much better tumblehome for soloing and much better sec. stability. Just shows how you adapt from one then 'feel' the diff. after a while and a change. Headed for the Narrows and the Inchtavannach beach quiet. Just two boats, one idiot had a petrol generator thumping away, another idiot went thru the narrows with his boat stereo blasting dance music.

Beach spot, just before the narrows. No litter just some small fire scars with peanuts, which we used for Kelly Kettle fuel.

Beach view looking up to Ben Lomond (Perthshire Wood canvas 12.20pm ?)

Mr and Mrs Mallard with youngsters.

Some goose eggs ? 2p coin for scale, about ten broken and scattered in a metre sqr

So what are these plants/bushes Blaeberry, Blueberry or Juniper

The narrows Heading for, Costa del Inchmoan' Inchmoan Ruin with disgusting human waste all over the inside, needs to be made intoa composting toilet, better cash spent on this than large HQ buildings for the park.Looking from Inchmoan back thru the Narrows.

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